Can LASIK Eye Surgery Really Cure Astigmatism?
If you’re suffering from astigmatism, LASIK eye surgery can help — here’s what you need to know.
Generally speaking, LASIK eye surgery is the go-to treatment option for patients suffering from myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness); however, eye specialists use LASIK to treat a number of other related conditions as well. In particular, the procedure has proven to be highly effective in treating astigmatism, another common eye-related issue. If you’ve been diagnosed with or believe you may be at risk of developing this condition, here’s some information that will help you determine whether LASIK might be the right treatment option for you.
How LASIK Helps Patients with Astigmatism
Like nearsightedness and farsightedness, astigmatism is a refractive error caused by a misshapen cornea. The malformed cornea forces incoming light to strike the retina unequally, resulting in irregular or distorted vision. Astigmatism can affect one eye or both, and it tends to worsen with age.
Contrary to popular belief, most people with astigmatism are excellent candidates for LASIK, so long as they meet the other requirements for eligibility. Indeed, the surgery can be a permanent cure for it, since it’s designed to alter the shape of the cornea so that it processes light correctly.
Additional Considerations
As with any form of corrective eye surgery, patients astigmatism should evaluate their condition with the help of a qualified specialist to determine the optimal course of treatment.
For example, some patients with irregular astigmatism may need to seek alternate procedures or treatment options, while those with specific corneal conditions, such as keratoconus, will likely be ideal candidates.
The cost and approach will vary depending on the severity of each individual case, and some patients may require additional enhancements or follow-up procedures to ensure an optimal outcome. If cost is a concern, look for a provider that offers financing options and competitively priced packages. Of course, never make your decision based on the price tag alone — your provider should be highly experienced and well-established in the field.
Next Steps
Most astigmatism patients who opt for LASIK enjoy long-term improvement to their eyesight, often coming away with 20/30 vision or better. If you’d like to learn more, get in touch with the eye care experts at Kleiman Evangelista Eye Centers and schedule your free consultation today. Your astigmatism-free life is just a click away — we look forward to hearing from you!
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