Presbyopia is Inevitable, But Its Effects Don’t Have to Be.

Everyone’s eyes get worse as they age. However, there are permanent, surgical fixes to inevitable conditions like presbyopia.
An unfortunate fact of aging is that your body may begin to change in ways that make it harder to live like you used to. One common change is called presbyopia, which makes it more difficult for the eye to focus on objects that are close-up. The condition can make tasks like reading more difficult and requires many people to wear reading glasses.
Fortunately, presbyopia doesn’t have to be debilitating. Modern medical technology can alleviate your symptoms and help you make the most of your vision.
Who is at Risk?
Presbyopia is such a common part of the aging process that it is often known as “over 40 vision.” Indeed, 40 is the age where the effects of presbyopia may begin to take hold. This condition can happen to anyone and can compound with other vision issues like astigmatism.
People usually begin to notice signs of presbyopia when they realize they can no longer read objects from the usual distance and have to hold reading materials further away from their eyes in order to see them properly.
Symptoms of Presbyopia
The main symptom of presbyopia is blurry vision, particularly when trying to focus on objects that are close in proximity to you. This happens because as we age, our eyes become less and less elastic. The less flexibility your eyes have, the harder it is for them to switch from focusing clearly on an object that’s far away to focus on one that’s closer.
Other symptoms of presbyopia include tired eyes and headaches, especially when you’ve been concentrating on something for a long time.
Treating Presbyopia
Mild cases of presbyopia can be treated using reading glasses or contacts, which can be inconvenient to deal with for many people. However, visual aids are not the only way to fix presbyopia’s effects.
If you don’t want to wear glasses or contacts, you may be eligible for laser surgery. The surgery will give you monovision, in which one eye sees well from a distance while the others see well close up. The brain works with the visual input to create a complete picture of the world at all depths.
Another cutting-edge way to treat presbyopia is the KAMRA Inlay, a ring less than half the size of a standard contact lens that is surgically inserted into the cornea of one of your eyes. This insert operates similarly to a pinhole, allowing one eye to see well up close while maintaining distance vision in both eyes. The insertion process is a simple outpatient procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes, and you’ll be able to resume everyday activities within just a day or two. Even better, the inlay offers long-term performance, even as presbyopia progresses.
If you’re beginning to experience the effects of presbyopia, don’t delay. The sooner you seek treatment, the more effectively you’ll be able to reduce presbyopia’s impact on your vision. The eye care experts at Kleiman Evangelista Eye Centers have experience treating conditions such as presbyopia using state-of-the-art methods like laser surgery or the KAMRA Inlay. Schedule an appointment with us today, and we’ll help get you on your way to clearer vision.
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