You’ll find the retina covering over half of the back of your eye, right near the optic nerve. The retina performs very important jobs in the eye, like receiving light, converting it to a language your brain understands, and then sending the message to your brain to produce a visual image.
You’ll find the retina covering over half of the back of your eye, right near the optic nerve. The retina performs very important jobs in the eye, like receiving light, converting it to a language your brain understands, and then sending the message to your brain to produce a visual image.
There are a myriad of potential retina issues including:
With all of these conditions, early diagnosis and treatment are key for the best outcomes.
Although many eye diseases can’t be prevented, there are steps you can take to prevent retinal problems. Risk factors include aging, obesity, smoking, underlying conditions like diabetes, history of eye trauma, and family history of retinal disease. You can reduce your risk by eating well and exercising and quitting if you smoke.
Though there is a full spectrum of retinal diseases and conditions, the symptoms are all very similar. The appearance of new floaters, vision loss, problems with side vision, and distorted or blurred vision can indicate retinal problems like diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
There are many types of retinal disease, and similarly many treatments. Treatments can include:
If you are at risk of retinal disease or over the age of 65, you should be sure to receive an annual ophthalmologic examination.