5 Easy Ways to Improve Eye Health
Your eyes work hard, and they deserved to be treated kindly and kept healthily. Check out these five ways you can improve your eye health.
1. Eat with your eyes in mind for Eye Health
Just like the rest of your body, your eyes need a healthy supply of nutrients to function correctly. Eat a well-balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits that are high in Vitamins A, B and C. An omega-3 supplement may also keep your eyes lubricated and help protect against macular degeneration.
2. Give your eyes some exercise.
The muscles that move your eyes are just as important as the other muscles in your body. Like your arms and legs, they need exercise to stay strong and flexible. To exercise your eyes, roll them in a circular motion ten times daily to get the blood flowing, and practice looking at the sides for a few minutes at a time.
3. Keep your peepers in the shade.
UV light is a thief-of-vision. Avoid unnecessary exposure to UV light by wearing sunglasses when going outdoors, and never look directly into the sun. Limiting exposure to UV light will help to prevent premature damage to your eyes.
4. Break for your vision.
Your eyes work from the time you get up until you go to sleep. Give your eyes a break throughout the day, and blink often. Blinking bathes your eyes in protective tears, and keeping your eyes shut for a few moments allows the retina to reset and the eye to dilate. If you spend lots of time outdoors, try to close your eyes for a few minutes every other hour.
5. Accept a little aid when it comes to tiny print.
Use vision aids, such as magnification settings on your computer or phone, to make reading small print easier. This reduces strain and encourages blood flow to your eyes. If you are reading “super-small” print such as textbooks, consider purchasing a book magnifier. This looks like a clear sheet of paper and is a great way to catch up on the latest novel without straining your eyes.
Dry eyes, eyestrain and macular degeneration can be difficult to manage, but you can improve your eye health today by following these five tips. To learn more about eye health, chat live with an eye expert here or call 800.714.2020 to schedule an eye exam today.
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