The Vintage Modern Wife’s Journey Through Blade-Free LASIK

A little over 6 weeks ago mom blogger, Stephanie, also known as “The Vintage Modern Wife” chronicled her journey through the Blade-Free LASIK procedure she had at Kleiman|Evangelista Eye Center. In this blog post, we will take you through her personal path towards a glasses-and-contacts-free life. We will take you through the pre-op, the procedure, the post-op and the after!
The Pre-Op
Stephanie is always on the pursuit to a better her. As a loving wife to Matthew and caring mother to Addie, she understands that a healthier her means a healthier family. Her stated New Year’s goal for 2016 was:
To regain my old self back, and in order to be the best mom and wife possible, I have to take care of myself. I rang in the New Year at a local charity ball with Mathew, we cashed in our massage gift certificates, we began Whole 30 (and I lost 15 lbs!), and then I made the seemingly scary decision to get Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery.
Although Stephanie was still a little nervous about the thought of LASIK, James, the Director of Patient Services, had her come in for a consultation to see if she was even a candidate for the Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery.
After the three eye tests we give to all potential candidates, Stephanie sat with James as he went into detail about how the procedure would be done, how much it generally costs for people, payment options and what to expect after the surgery. They sat chatting for almost an hour just to be sure Stephanie had all the information she needed, was comfortable, and was ready to make a decision regarding whether or not she would proceed with Blade-Free LASIK. Together, they scheduled the procedure for about a week later!
The Procedure
Stephanie and Matthew headed to Dallas early in the morning for the procedure. As with all patients, Stephanie was instructed to not wear any eye makeup or wear contacts for a week prior to the surgery. They arrived to Kleiman|Evangelista Eye Center a little earlier than the procedure time for one last test, the Field Vision Test.
The Field Vision Test is a test that determines your peripheral vision. Stephanie had a history of glaucoma on her dad’s side of the family, so it was very important for her to have this test done to be sure she was a candidate for the Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery. It is a simple 10-minute test where you look into a machine and dots pop up all around the screen.
After the test, Dr. David Kleiman reviewed the results, rechecked her prescription to make sure that it was accurate and let Stephanie know that she did excellent on the Field Vision Test and would, in fact, be getting the Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery!
Stephanie loved the features of the LASIK suite including how there’s a glass wall that separates it from the waiting area so that her husband was allowed to watch while the procedure was going on. There was also a TV that panned close on each eye that was currently getting the Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery, so he could see exactly what was happening in real time.
Dr. Kleiman then asked if she wanted the details of the procedure or just the highlights. Stephanie went for the details. Patient’s choice!
According to Stephanie:
As far as the procedure itself, it’s fairly painless. The numbing drops numb your eyes so much that you don’t feel the lasers reshaping your eyes one bit. I didn’t have any discomfort with that at all, which was probably the thing I worried about most initially.
Once the procedure was done, Dr. Kleiman checked both of Stephanie’s eyes to make sure everything looked great. Stephanie couldn’t believe that although things were a bit hazy, she could see a dramatic difference right away! The Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery was really simple to do, according to Stephanie, and she was in the suite maybe about 30 minutes total including getting set up, doing her right eye, then her left eye, and then getting her eyes checked. It was really fast!
The Post-Op
Dr. Kleiman told Stephanie her vision might be hazy the first day but would be pretty crisp by the next morning after a good night of rest. When she woke up, her vision was clear and she headed back to Dallas for her Blade-Free LASIK post-op appointment.
The post-op appointment for the Blade-Free LASIK was really straightforward. She had her vision checked once by a machine and then with Dr. Nadia Virani. She confirmed that the DAY AFTER Stephanie’s Blade-Free LASIK eye surgery she had 20/20 vision.
After her post-op appointment, Stephanie made another appointment for a one-week post-op back home and another for a one-month post-op. Everything looked really great and her eye redness completely went away after 2 weeks. She made sure to use the eye drops as she was instructed and if she got the occasional dry eye.
Stephanie had no issues after LASIK with any type of activity. She noticed her eyes would get tired a bit easily for the first 3-4 days, and she had to make sure to shower with her eyes closed because of the bacteria that can be in tap water (which we recommended). Other than those modifications, Stephanie had no changes that needed to be made to her daily activities. She is happy to report that now she doesn’t have to worry about seeing a 3D movie with 2 pairs of glasses on, nor have to mess with the daily hassles of contacts. Her husband is always jealous that she can just go to bed without having to touch her eyes!
Are you ready to take the journey of Blade-Free LASIK? Schedule your Free Consultation today!
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