Mom, Wife, Doctor: Joy Crabtree is “Doing it All” Clearer After LASIK

Joy Crabtree wasn’t at all sure she even wanted to have LASIK when her husband, former Major League Baseball player Tim Crabtree, came home and told her he had met LASIK surgeon Dr. Anthony Evangelista of the Kleiman Evangelista Eye Centers. The two had attended a Texas Rangers Alumni Legacy program where Tim talked to Dr. Evangelista about having his wife’s vision corrected.
“I told him, ‘Hey! I’m not sure I want my eyes done, thank you very much. They’re not that bad!’” she said. “But then he reminded me how I couldn’t even see the guide on the TV across the room or my son when he is playing in the outfield in his baseball games. How I struggled to see in open places like sporting events or at the mall. The more I thought about it, I admitted – I can’t see squat. It’s pretty ridiculous.”
Joy and Tim are raising three children, she works as a psychologist and is also very involved in her community. So, “busy” is an understatement. Joy wanted to be free of her glasses but was concerned about the downtime of recovering from vision correction surgery.
She needn’t have worried. There is virtually no downtime with LASIK. “After meeting Dr. Evangelista and talking through the procedure and all the benefits, I was sold!” she said. “He is really down to earth and easy to talk to. He made me feel very comfortable and at ease about it all. In fact, it was over before I even knew it! It goes very quickly.”
Within 24 hours, Joy was back to herself, except with much clearer, crisper vision. In fact, she and her husband were recently at a Rangers playoff game and Joy noticed someone they knew, several sections over. She pointed the man out to her husband, who kept saying, “Where? Where? I don’t see him.” He jokingly called her “LASIK Eyes” since she now sees better than he does.
“It’s great to feel more confident driving, especially at night,” said Joy, who had trouble with night driving before the procedure. “And it’s great to just not have to wear glasses to watch TV or watch my son play baseball. I’m so glad I did it.”
Choose to live a clear life, just like Joy did. Contact Kleiman | Evangelista today and schedule your LASIK consultation!
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